Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Say What!!!

June already?! Crazy!!! I leave in 12 days and some odd hours to Cedar Point! And im getting way excited! Work is going good as long as the Weather decides to be kind which it hasnt! Got paid friday and went and bought some new shirts i was basically down to like 5. Ha Had a great weekend with the Fam and Aaron came along. Him and i went in his jeep and sid was in our car with my 2 aunts mom and my grandma. When riding in a jeep with the top off i recommend wearing sunscreen!! My face is burnt! And i have a wonderful line from my sunglasses! We went to Wanship were my Grandpa, My great Grandparents, My Great Great Grandparents, Great uncle and Aunt. Oh and my grandpas sister in law. Then we went and ate at Spring Chicken inn. Best place to eat i swear and its once a year treat. Then we Went to Henenefer to look and see where a winters relative was buried. Winter's is on my grandpas side of the family. Then we went back to my grandmas house had some ice cream and watched AFV then it only hurts when i laugh and other shows sid recorded. So all in all Sunday was a great day. I love my family!


Natalia said...

Wow, a great time with the family! Awesome!

::Kayla:: said...

Very awesome!

Kimberly and Jonathan Bradbury said...

Hey Jonathan's Grandpa and Grandma Bradbury are buried in Henefer too!

::Kayla:: said...

Really thats cool!