Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Arlo is now a year old! Oh my goodness has he grown! I saw him today he was so bouncy! He is off formula and is now on milk! Hes gunna we walking soon! I will have pic up soon of his birthday party!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Thanksgiving Blog! (Its Late i know!)

So i thought i better type my thanksgiving blog.

I am sooo thankfull to have my Family in my life. I think about how my mom has been my rock through my parents divorce and staying be me and sid. As my dad dropped us from his life (almost). To trying to provide for us by having odd jobs and now not having one at all she still tries. She always does stuff for us and not for her, We come first. If i didnt have her in my life i dont know what i would do shes my best friend.

Which brings me to Sid. He can be a BIG pain in my butt. Being a jerk and a know-it-all. Sometimes i even dislike him. But I am thankful i have him. I almost lost him when i was 16 when he wanted to commit sucide but he didnt. Even through his mean times he's always there for me. And wants to kick my exes butt still. He always knows when something isnt right. And im glad were close

Now for my Grandma. What a blessing it is to still have her. I grew up always going to her house and going horseback riding as my grandpa leaded. She right now is helping us get by and paying for alot of things for us even though she didnt have the money but somehow she does. I love my grandma shes the best. Im glad i have my go fish buddy!

My Aunt Lori. What Can i say we bump heads alot, mostly at the cabin. But im very glad we have her. In November of 2005 she got a cough that wouldnt go away. We then noticed that she was lossing weight VERY fast. They did multiple tests and they found nothing. One of the test they found out she was bleeding eternaly. She then went to a gyno and had him do some test. In May he decided to give her a histerectomy. The day of the surgery i had to go to my dads so he could get the pics he wanted of my senior pics. When i got back to the hospital she BARELY came out of surgery and when i got there i was told that Lori had Ovarian cancer and that she was lucky that she was still alive. The tumor was the size of a football and was hooked on to one of her intestines which resulted in the bleeding eternaly. She went through chemo. But she forgets alot. Shes also retired now and she bought a 4 wheeler to take to the cabin.

And then my Aunt Kris. Wow she has done soo much for me. She bought clothes for me for years and then i got pickey haha. She wasnt able to have kids of her own so me and sid are hers. Every weekend when i was younger i would go shopping with her. That was our thing. She is helping me pay for my cell phone bill. And also helped pay for mine and sids dentist bill. She lets us drive my uncles truck( he died in 03). Im so thankful for her.

And im very thankful to have my friends in my life and to have the oppertunity to be an aunt to Manda's child Skylar what a child! To Suzannes girls Sydney and Rachel the cuttest girls! And Laura's Child Arlo who i get to watch what a spirt that kid has. Im soo happy i get to be with him. And to everyone else im glad i can call you my friend.

This christmas will be a change we wont be getting much for presents. But we will have each other and love for one another. Hopefully this year we get to do one of our new traditions. Go get in lori's car and drive around looking at christmas lights. Lori and I started this and soon eveyone else joined. I think lori goes so she can get new ideas for christmas lights the next year. Our other tradition is watching White Christmas. Which is usually Grandma mom and me. But who knows. So now that i have done my crying! I hope everyone has a wonderfull Holiday Season!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Been awhile!

Its been awhile since i posted last..... New happenings: Well lagoon is over. tis bittersweet i would say. Glad its over cause its my birthday soon. And sad cause i will miss it! And everyone i met this year and those who i have known for years. Arlo has his top 2 front teeth coming in and is a whining like crazy but i love the little guy. Thursday oct 30 we went to the ground breaking for the road at my grandmas on 11400 south they will be taking the garden in the orchard well at least some of it. Its also bittersweet because there taking the land that i grew up having and the trees and the garden and the construction 24/7 what a pain and the ways we have to go to get to places it will be crazy. So many memories! But good because my grandma will get money for it. At the ground breaking Gov. Huntsman was there he was walking by and my grandma said "Hello govenor." he stopped and said hi and then he started to talk to her it was crazy we thought he would keep going! He said that if she doesnt like thier ideas he will come to see her personaly and fix it and to call him! not his people HIM! She was also on the news! We taped it. On the 12th it will be my birthday and i turn 21! im legal! its really odd i think! My friends and i are going to wenedover that weekend and i get to gamble yay! Thats about it that i can think of!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Arlo can now sit up by himself! And he can pull himself up using your leg or the couch to stand up! im soo excited and proud!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My weekend! Well Friday was opening of Frightmares. First that day i went and watched arlo till 12:30 came home and showered and of course waited for sid to be ready so we could go pick trisha up from school. Went and ate at arctic circle and while waiting for manda and sky to get there (after we ate) We played Phase 10 Sid , Mom, Andy , Trisha and I. Mom has never played so we taught her and she kicked our butts. After that we left and headed to lagoon. Had to wait in like normal cause we dont get there are early as we used to. Anyway first off the girls had to pee except trisha. Mom hauled to the bathroom haha. After that Sky wanted to got through spook a boo so aunt kayla took him through go me! Its all changed still stupid but whatever. So we decided to hit the houses first then go watch the live entertainment. First we went through deception the new one. Well sky at first was kinda scared. Then he said" im not as scared as i thought i would be. The first room was kinda scary for him but the rest he did awesome minus the gory rooms which we put a blanket over his head i didnt want him to see that. Then he choose to go through Fun house of fear, Well we had to use those stupid glasses again which the dot room etc. didnt work to well and the glasses wouldnt stay on my head so i took them off. All of a sudden i see sky directing us through the house in 2 rooms. He went through that one awsome as well. I had them not use the chainsaw though. Then we went through the next one. Different still stupid though. He did good through that one too. Then we and saw Vampire wow what a shock REPEATS! The Last 2 songs im soooo sick of ha. Saturday it was raining but me and sid went to lagoon anyway. We got there rode terrorride then decided to go to arbys and get a drink we sat and played all phases on Phase 10. I went out everytime except once. After that we went through Fun house of fear then halloween high. Well deception flooded so it opened late WTG lagoon. We went to that one last in the first room i stepped and a HUGE puddle and my shoes pants and socks we soaked yet again the house was much better sat then fri. Then me and sid went to see if we could find Spencer which we didnt instead we saw Shannon as we were talking to her one of her operators came and said tilt wouldnt stop so we of course went over. So it really wouldnt stop we stayed for awhile then decided to go to Chili's to eat. When we came out the rain had stopped and sid of course wanted stupid ice cream so we went to Dairy Queen. After that we went back to the park and decided to go watch vampire while waiting i noticed that sky ride was starting up again but it was going EXTREAMELY slow. I saw someone people and then i saw Hakenslash it was so funny. Then sid went to go talk to melissa who is there stage manager and then came and asked if they were in trouble and she said mmmmmmmmmhhhhmm yep they but there heads down and walked in to the carosel stage. Then JD got his ass handed to him Cause 1 They rode and 2 they had there chainsaws he was mostly pissed about them riding. I mean i can see why he was mad at them having thier chainsaws but come one riding the ride hurt nobody! The reason it was going slow cause they were using the back up generator. Then sunday we went to grandmas had Dinner heard about there cabin trip and their UFO story(in a later post) and how the scared hunters. Then had cake and ice cream for lori's Bday and then me and sid went and saw eagle eye at the gateway with manda andy and legrand. I was awesome! and me and andy were on something haha. Thats about it

Monday, September 29, 2008

So some of you know that i watch Bones. Well last night i was catching up on the episodes i have missed well the 3rd episode of the season made me mortified. I was about People making there dogs fight to the death. I have never EVER cried from watching Bones. The weapon that was used was a dogs teeth. the owner had the dog kill for him. I started crying when i saw the dog. Ya i know it was real cause its just a show. But it happens everyday somewhere. I am saddened what people do to animals for there entertainment. In the end of the show they had to put the dog down because it was the murder weapon and i just completely lost it. If you would like to watch the episode im talking about here is a link http://www.hulu.com/watch/35008/bones-the-finger-in-the-nest#s-p1-so-i0. People who do that should have there balls cut off and never be able to reproduce or EVER own another animal. They cant talk and stand up for themselves.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Best gas station trip ever!

So me and my mom left my grandmas saturday night to go home but we were going to get gas on the way. Well mom says that we need to go to highland drive where gas is cheaper so i said okay. (im driving) anyway so we go up 11400 south to 1300 east. So were heading south and we pass oin light and mom says turn at the next light. So i turn right up 10720 south and after awhile it hits me that this is the way we go to La Caille to see light christmas eve. And i was thinking it was on Highland drive. So then it hits me that its on Wastach Drive and boy do i feel stupid haha. So were heading south on Wasatch and what do ya know we pass La Caille. So finally we see Ft union and we head west down the hill to highland so we pull into the cherveron on highland and Ft Union well the only tank open was one behind a limo. So i get out and start to pump the gas. Well this guy who looked like a younger version of rod stewart goes in and gets 3 Diet Red Bulls 2 of the bigger sizes and 1 on the small ones And he sets it on the floor comes back out and tells the driver where he left them and says he didnt want to wait in line. So the driver goes in and comes back out to get the card. Meanwhile the guy opened the trunk and there was a toster in the back. Odd no? So then the guy goes to the driver side door and gets in well he didnt have the keys to the car so he goes in to the driver gets the keys and goes and turns on the car. So then the driver comes out hands him the card and his Red bulls then the guys gets in the car. Well me and mom think the driver is going to go to the bathroom. Were still there cause were blocked in and cant get out. Anyway the driver comes back with 2 bags of ice hands it to the guy in the car well he gets out and throwns the ice on the floor then steps on it and gets in the car and then driver who only got a candy bar walks to the driver side door and gets in and drives off. And mom saw the guy and said "he has a small tight ass" i coouldnt help but laugh and everyone is looking at me weird. And the guy had a giraffe silk shirt and tight small pants i swear they were size 0 in womens and cowboy boots. Needless to say best trip to the gas station!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So like someone comments me on facebook saying i copied there family. Honestly i didnt know they had one and 2nd of all anyone can have a blog right? Oh and dont you have a choice between want background you want? wow i cant believe some people can be nice to you and they be that way. Like i had one in 12 th grade but did i use ya only for english then i forgot my info and stuff. So i never used it, then like a week or 2 i was going to get me a new one but i never got the chance to. Like i tried to explain that to her but why do i need to really.

On that note i got to hang out with andy, manda and skylar today oh ya and sid . We went to chuckee cheese which the pizza was disgusting! So then we went to the arcade to spend our tokens and my fav game didnt work with i was not happy about, and alot of the games werent working. They had a picture sketch thing that we spent most of the tokens on. And andy found a game that he could win the jackpot which he did twice. I was happy though that i got to hang out with them i missed my sister and my nephew. I saw andy on sunday at the fair. Oh yes and working at the fair was fun for the most part. I got to see the best hypnotist ever almost every night that he was there. And i worked with an awesome guy and the KSOP Booth named larry. oh ya and i worked with sid 2 days and a guy named Dick on sunday. and a guy came by to spin the wheel and wow he talked like i girl he talked more feminine then me! But i think thats it for the most part.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


so i guess i better start doing a blog it mite be fun!