Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life as of late..

My life took a total 180 when my grandma passed. Things are slowly getting back to normal if there every was a normal. Ive been watching my niece and nephew some nights when their mom needs us to, which i love. Ive been going to jazz games with my friend laura this month those have been way fun. Also mathayas jess's bfs son turned 6 Tuesday and we had a party for him. ive only know that kid since august and i cant get enough of him ah love that kid. Saturday im going ice fishing that should be fun. Thats about it hope your month has been good. picture update to come soon!


Christine Frandsen said...

So sorry to hear about your grandma. Nieces and nephews are the best, right?

Kelly Jean said...

Sorry about your grandma - that's always hard. :( Glad things are picking back up!

::Kayla:: said...

thanks guys! and yes they are the best life wouldn't be the same without them!