Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ive noticed........

That i havent updated in awhile. But there hasnt been too much going on. Cowabunga closed for the season... Which means i gotta find a job soon. (know any places let me know). Going to lagoon pretty much every weekend! I love frightmares! Spending time with Jess, Kelly, Gary and Rickae. And then Manda and Andy when we got the chance.Went and saw a good friend at Bostons where he sings friday nights! Love him! Hanging out with Aaron having campfires, of course that was at the end of September we've hung out 3 times this past week! Fun times. Decided about friends that a need in my life and ones i don't. Worked the State fair doing to KSOP booth. Had a friends dad die who i was pretty close too. Thats about it. Boy has this month passed by fast and its almost November and closer to my birthday. I also found out last week that im related to Parley P Pratt. I hope everyone has a good rest of the month!