Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My weekend! Well Friday was opening of Frightmares. First that day i went and watched arlo till 12:30 came home and showered and of course waited for sid to be ready so we could go pick trisha up from school. Went and ate at arctic circle and while waiting for manda and sky to get there (after we ate) We played Phase 10 Sid , Mom, Andy , Trisha and I. Mom has never played so we taught her and she kicked our butts. After that we left and headed to lagoon. Had to wait in like normal cause we dont get there are early as we used to. Anyway first off the girls had to pee except trisha. Mom hauled to the bathroom haha. After that Sky wanted to got through spook a boo so aunt kayla took him through go me! Its all changed still stupid but whatever. So we decided to hit the houses first then go watch the live entertainment. First we went through deception the new one. Well sky at first was kinda scared. Then he said" im not as scared as i thought i would be. The first room was kinda scary for him but the rest he did awesome minus the gory rooms which we put a blanket over his head i didnt want him to see that. Then he choose to go through Fun house of fear, Well we had to use those stupid glasses again which the dot room etc. didnt work to well and the glasses wouldnt stay on my head so i took them off. All of a sudden i see sky directing us through the house in 2 rooms. He went through that one awsome as well. I had them not use the chainsaw though. Then we went through the next one. Different still stupid though. He did good through that one too. Then we and saw Vampire wow what a shock REPEATS! The Last 2 songs im soooo sick of ha. Saturday it was raining but me and sid went to lagoon anyway. We got there rode terrorride then decided to go to arbys and get a drink we sat and played all phases on Phase 10. I went out everytime except once. After that we went through Fun house of fear then halloween high. Well deception flooded so it opened late WTG lagoon. We went to that one last in the first room i stepped and a HUGE puddle and my shoes pants and socks we soaked yet again the house was much better sat then fri. Then me and sid went to see if we could find Spencer which we didnt instead we saw Shannon as we were talking to her one of her operators came and said tilt wouldnt stop so we of course went over. So it really wouldnt stop we stayed for awhile then decided to go to Chili's to eat. When we came out the rain had stopped and sid of course wanted stupid ice cream so we went to Dairy Queen. After that we went back to the park and decided to go watch vampire while waiting i noticed that sky ride was starting up again but it was going EXTREAMELY slow. I saw someone people and then i saw Hakenslash it was so funny. Then sid went to go talk to melissa who is there stage manager and then came and asked if they were in trouble and she said mmmmmmmmmhhhhmm yep they but there heads down and walked in to the carosel stage. Then JD got his ass handed to him Cause 1 They rode and 2 they had there chainsaws he was mostly pissed about them riding. I mean i can see why he was mad at them having thier chainsaws but come one riding the ride hurt nobody! The reason it was going slow cause they were using the back up generator. Then sunday we went to grandmas had Dinner heard about there cabin trip and their UFO story(in a later post) and how the scared hunters. Then had cake and ice cream for lori's Bday and then me and sid went and saw eagle eye at the gateway with manda andy and legrand. I was awesome! and me and andy were on something haha. Thats about it