Monday, September 29, 2008

So some of you know that i watch Bones. Well last night i was catching up on the episodes i have missed well the 3rd episode of the season made me mortified. I was about People making there dogs fight to the death. I have never EVER cried from watching Bones. The weapon that was used was a dogs teeth. the owner had the dog kill for him. I started crying when i saw the dog. Ya i know it was real cause its just a show. But it happens everyday somewhere. I am saddened what people do to animals for there entertainment. In the end of the show they had to put the dog down because it was the murder weapon and i just completely lost it. If you would like to watch the episode im talking about here is a link People who do that should have there balls cut off and never be able to reproduce or EVER own another animal. They cant talk and stand up for themselves.