Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So as some of you may know what happened but then some of you don't so im sharing!!

Thursday i was going to Verizon to pay my bill and noticed that the windshield wiper was out. So i got home filled it up. And went to shut the hood. Mind you ive filled it all the time. Well as i was closing the hood it fell and landed on my right arm. Lucky my mom was outside and i yelled for her and we went inside i sat down and she went to get ice and some Tylenol. At this point i was in major pain, then i started to feel like i was gunna pass out but i didnt. My mom asked me how it happened and i still have no idea how it happened. Either my left hand gave out or it slipped i have no clue. So i iced it the whole night and asked our friend Misty who is a nurse what we should do. She told me to ice it and keep it elevated tell i can get it checked out. So Friday i noticed i had a bump on my arm after Arlo hit my arm. I called my mom then called the doctor. They told me that i need to go to insta care cause i would need X-Rays and they dont them. So i call my mom back up and told her. Well she called insta care and they said to go to the ER and file it as a auto accident so the insurence can pay for the bill. So we went to the ER waited in the waiting room for 15 mins and then i went back to a room. The doctor came in had me move it and touched my arm. They came and got me to get my X-rays done. They toke 5 X-rays. Then i went back to the room and waited about a half hour. The doctor came back and told me nothing was broke and that i have a Contusion which is deep tissue bruising. They called it a Crush injury. So im to ice it and keep elevated as much as possible and they gave me a splint for comfort and protection. And im to take ibprofen for the swelling. The lady who put my wrist thing on put it on my right hand the injured one so they had to cut it off for the x-rays. As of now my arm is ok i still have a bump and hurts when its touched and im also getting color to the bruise and i have yet to have one. Heres a pic of my arm in the spilnt and my ID band!


Amanda said...

sis I'm sorry that happend to you. I am going to tell you something very important, was it your wrist? or your arm? If it was your wrist you need to know that even though your wrist will be all better and stuff there will be days it will hurt. I still have problems with my wrist that I got a contusion on. It's not fun especially lifting boxes and what not. Last night I was complaining to LeGrand that my arm hurt, but I realized it was going from the wrist I had hurt years ago up my arm. so don't freak out if one day it starts to hurt and you didn't do anything to it and start wondering why =) There, I guess it wasn't important information but you know me... lol

Lyndsie and Daniel said...

Hey you! I just found your blog. So cute! I read the sad, sad story. Hope the arm is feeling better!