Friday, May 1, 2009


So last friday i was about to shower and such and i got a text from a friend who i was close to. He basically called me a user.

Flashback that Saturday before we went to village inn. He wanted to hang out and i was with with some friends at classic skating for a YSA activity. He texted me when i was there and said im never available when he is to hang out. So when i got home i texted him and he still wanted to hang out only he was DRUNK! Anyway he told me he would give me gas money and such so while we were eating he said he wanted to buy me a new phone cause mine was outdated.

In the first text he said that he would get me one of those free phones and that i think he owes me and such then he said i never seen a bday present or Xmas gift( (During his b-day we werent friends he still had bobby)( and for chirstmas i made carmels and cashew brittle cause i didnt have money for gifts). Then the next couple of texts he said that he never saw gas money and that he always paid for food and such. Those times he knew i didnt have money and he seemed like he wanted to he told me that i was using him and that other people do too. So that night and the following day/night i wasnt my happy go lucky self. He still liked me as a friend and such and still wanted to go to my cabin in june. Which that isnt going to happen anymore. I havent talked to him since sunday. I dont need that drama in my life so i pretty much done with that friendship. That whole friendship has been off and on all cause of HIM.

Im glad i have the friends i have and i love them Muchos!! They make me happy and im glad they let me in thier life. Without them and my family i dont know where i would be!!

Also my Friend Ali had her baby April 5 and has been in the NICU. She got to take her home Tuesday! I went monday to see her she is soo cute here some pics!


Supershepherds said...

I remember having a 3+ hour heart-to-heart with a guy friend that was TOTALLY just a friend and had no idea where the drama was coming from through the whole conversation. It was nuts. I think you did the right thing. You don't need that kind of bleh! It sounds like he's feeling guilty about his own self and lashing out at you. Walk on girl!

Robogirl said...

Yeah, a friend like that is no friend at all.
You rock girl ! :-)

HUGS, all the way from Denmark

::Kayla:: said...

Aww thanks guys!